create gratitude subliminal

Hello and welcome to what I think is the fifth adventure into subliminal land. This time we are going into the realm of Metal element, the fifth element of the five elements of Chinese medicine, which symbolises royalty, old age, late autumn, grief and beauty.

These affirmations are designed to encourage Yin metal qualities of gratitude, thankfulness, and an appreciation of the beauty of life.

Listening to this subliminal over a period of time you hopefully will:

  • be able to understand the value and nature of beauty and gratitude

  • be able to be grateful to life and yourself so you can cherish life to a greater degree

  • be able to feel gratitude for the small things

  • be able to transition and let go of things that no longer serve you peacefully

  • be able to be happy with yourself, know that you are deserving and worthy

  • be able to not overthink and overanalyse.

These subliminals are best listened to for an hour everyday until you see results or you feel lightheaded. Remember to keep hydrated as you listen!

You can listen to the subliminals here on YouTube

For transparency’s sake here are the affirmations that I’ve written. I will warn you that if your conscious mind is ignorant of them they work better, but what I’ve described above is a brief summary of what they will do:

Everywhere I look, I discover loveliness

I am loved so effortlessly and greatly when I am myself

I am important and deserving of an excellent income. This income arrives smoothly and gracefully to me.

I am warmly and graciously welcome all that I have and all that I am.

I am consistently refining myself and releasing what I no longer need and so my life flows

Any old patterns that have bothered me are gone, I’m willing to cherish and admire the person that I am.

I am adequate and suitable for anything as I am.

My needs never fail to be met and satisfied, there is always more than sufficient to meet my needs.

My thoughts have amazing clarity and I voice them effortlessly

I am safe, protected and guided. I can encounter and deal with all sorts of situations that come my way.

My troubles are slight and are like gossamer

My home and office are the most sacred of places, full of beauty and light. I take care of my environment with the greatest of respect.

I overflow with thankfulness  and gratitude at the beginning  and end of each day

I revel and celebrate in each passing moment, second, hour and year of my life

Money is a delight to handle

I drop whatever is useless to me, and delight and brighten the things that give me over bounding joy

I recognise when I need help and I ask for it

My struggles are over

I am grateful for the day ahead of me

When something ends, something new begins.

I am highly aware of the sweet transition in every second, I am highly aware that every moment can never be lived the same way again.

I overflow with gratitude at the thoughts and experiences of being alive.

 I let go of all that no longer serves me in preparation for receiving all I could ever truly want and need

All the money that comes into my hands is deeply loved, blessed and cherished by me

My deep instinct, intuition and heart guide me in all that I do

I relax every day, doing activities that only bring me pleasure

I discover beauty and pleasure in everything I do, touch and see

Relaxing is as easy as I breathe

Money comes to me as easily as I breathe

Savouring every second of my day is something I always do

My world is beautiful and alive

My thoughts in my mind communicate with me like they are my closest friends

When I focus on the exquisite and charming things that occur in my life, I recover and discover the full extent of my own healing powers

I absolve myself of criticism from myself and others

My office and work space is holy retreat.

Anything that I believe that I deserve, I can afford it.

Anything I believe that I deserve, it will come to me.

I am invited and recommended to events and people that truly are for me and who can help me

I take care of myself at all times

I am doing the best I can in any moment

There is an abundance of resources on this earth for everyone

The rhythm and changes and flow of life is the safest place to be. I am carefree yet composed and alert in the experience of life. The experience of life delights me.

I am prospering. It is safe for me to prosper. I accept with complete totality that wealth is natural and healthy. Money is one of my closest friends.

I am wide open and emptied of any blocks to prosperity in my life. My income expands and flourishes as I expand and flourish.

I am always expanding and flourishing

I acknowledge and welcome all the miracles of nature and life around me. I am grateful for every single thing.


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5e in the face what this woman needs in a living space