reading elizabeth gilbert’s nine star ki

Yesterday I was listening to Elizabeth Gilbert talk with Marie Forleo. She was saying that “done is better than good.”

I’m completely bowled over as to how it fits with her design, the patterns in her birth date, her Nine Star Ki.

The Nine Star Ki is an ancient system of Asian astrology based on the 5 Elements, so it’s totally compatible with 5E face reading.

In this system there are three patterns that contribute to a birthdate, The third has two sides, our destiny and the challenges to overcome to achieve that destiny.

Everyone of us has a challenge in life, a theme that is subtly interwoven time and time again.

For Gilbert this is perfectionism.

Her destiny speaks of a Queen, and the queen must always have the best in life.

But of course Queens are demanding but they are not finishers. The perfectionism cripples them. They must learn to pursue excellence over perfection.

Interestingly enough this contrasts with the other pattern she has – that of the Warrior.

In nature this is associated with Spring, the drive and the push of new life. Warriors are their strongest when they feel powerful, which often comes from getting shit done.

Now imagine, Queens order warriors to fight in wars and such and it’s similar with perfectionism/completing – the perfectionism always wins over completing.

The Queen wins over the Warrior because of her status.

But it sounds like we have a human being who has made peace with this lesson and found a balance between two opposing forces on her personality.

Nine Star Ki (NSK) uses a numerical shorthand. For Gilbert her patterns are 436.

She has both the yin (4) and yang (3) expressions of wood element, or the warrior archetype in both her main personality (the first position) and the stressed/child self (the middle position).

The 6 stands to represent yang metal element, the King or Queen.

Let me know what you think or if you have any questions!



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