welcome to your 5e guides

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Thank you so much for visiting our brand new site and business!

I’m Cairistiona O’Loughlin, writing on behalf of myself and my friend and business partner, Amie McCampbell.

We’ve known each other for nine years and have been friends for five, meeting each other online through a Chinese Face Reading group on Facebook (this is how the five elements were taught to us, as they appear everywhere in life, including as patterns in our faces.) We’ve been emailing and video calling each other every week since then.

Our work with the 5E went very different ways, but we decided earlier this year to try out joint readings with acquaintances to see if we could combine our NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) training from NLP Marin with the 5E.

And it took off from there.

We started this business a mere few weeks ago, after we had held a practice reading together for an acquaintance of Amie’s. From that reading, it became very clear that it was worth starting something official together.

There was a rush to get this website out on my end, due to a company event that I was hired for on the 18th of September to lead a meditation, guiding a group through the Five Elements to connect them to nature. I did not have any business cards prepared, but we did have a website! Amie will be offering her services and writing her additions shortly.

So as you can see, our site is still in progress. It will be added to in the coming months.

The current services we offer are one hour 5E readings and personalised meditations with me, Cairistiona. Once there is enough interest, we hope to offer courses on the 5E as well.

I hope to include more blog posts about the five elements as well, and talks on my InsightTimer page.

Please subscribe down below to be updated.

Watch this space!



5e in the face what this woman needs in a living space


the shape of your tear duct: hooked