Ready to be fascinated by eyebrows?

Too often we judge our faces based on beauty standards, scrutinising every detail and placement. For some this eventually leads to extreme vigilance over every wrinkle, mental exhaustion or even sadness.

What if I told you that you can have fun with your face? And that you could even experience relief, fascination and appreciation with the features that you have, without a trip to the aesthetician or plastic surgeon.

I’m holding a workshop to do just exactly that.

We’re going to be having fun with our eyebrows on the 19th of November I will be guiding you on how the Chinese Five Elements, the patterns of nature, are reflected in your eyebrows and reveal how you make decisions.

You will leave this class with:


  • being able to look at another person’s eyebrows and know exactly how they process and make their decisions.

  • shock of how the external influences the internal and vice versa.

This is a short introductory Zoom workshop that should last up to an hour and a half, starting at 10 am PST. It’s perfect for those new and curious or those experienced with Chinese Face Reading and the 5 elements. Some materials are needed, such as an eyebrow or eyeliner pencil and make up removal wipes.

Click here to sign up for $20.