What is earth element?

Early autumn, harvest, middle age, comfort, nostalgia, kindness.

Earth is, well, the earth. The mother. The body. The home.


Earth element is community.

It’s the best friendships, cosy get-togethers around the table where you share and enjoy a home cooked meal. It’s taking life slowly for maximum satisfaction. Creature comforts. Being over excited about food. It’s curling up with your favourite book. Drinking tea, hot chocolate, anything sweet. Earth is family. Earth is connection.

The energy of Earth is holding and still, so some Earth people can struggle with stuckness and stagnancy in their lives (all the 5E are also departments in our lives too, so no need to be Earth dominant if you’re feeling stuck). Since Earth is mother, and if we think about that archetype, we’re talking about someone who is a feeder, incredibly giving and generous to the expense of themselves. Earth dominants will wear themselves ragged to help others. Guilt is also earth element. Earth element is associated with the colour yellow.

What are the organs associated with earth element?


Stomach, spleen and pancreas.

Earth is compassion


Fire Element


Metal Element